Rabbi Alter Tenenbaum - 28 Nissan Mega Farbrengen 5782

Rabbi Alter Tenenbaum - From a Dream to a Reality “The Rebbe made Moshiach a household name and word that we always know!” “The Rebbe gave over to us his Yechida; that bren and living with Moshiach, was transferred to us on Chof Ches Nissan.” “Moshiach has to become a reality, not just for the Rebbe as a child, but for us!”

Rabbi Alter Tenenbaum - From a Dream to a Reality

“The Rebbe made Moshiach a household name and word that we always know!”

“The Rebbe gave over to us his Yechida; that bren and living with Moshiach, was transferred to us on Chof Ches Nissan.”

“Moshiach has to become a reality, not just for the Rebbe as a child, but for us!”

Rabbi Alter Tenenbaum - 28 Nissan Mega Farbrengen 5782
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